It takes 10 to 15 days to review, process & communicate the application outcome. We also offer Express Service to process application in 24 hours. The Express Service is delivered after a small donation of £9.
When it comes to professionals, the SPSC Ambassador initiatiave believes in supporting sustainability supporters & promotors.
So there has been no subscription/membership donation expectations for Sustinability Ambassadorship Levels – Enthusiast, Supporter, Collaborator & Volunteer.
Even Academic Level Ambassadorship is free, along with an Ambassadorship Badge.. We only expect a tiny donation, if Academic Ambassador requires our verifiable certificate.
For our premium Sustainability Ambassadorship Levels, we do expect a small donation.
The expectation is simple.
Some existing Sustainability Ambassador should refer you to us.
Please request our existing Sustainability Ambassador to get you a discount voucher code from us.
We will provide him/her a discount coupon code, which you can use at the payment check out.
Sustainability ambassadors make a pro-bono community of professionals. They either support or wish to support sustainability. Once you apply, the decision to grant you the Sustainability ambassadorship is taken by our sustainability ambassadors. We decide on the Professional Sustainability Ambassador level based on your commitment, knowledge and experience.
We too feel extremely stressful to reject an application
Your publicly verifiable identity is not only important but also essential. If we cannot verify you in a public domain then it is quite difficult for our jury to provide a positive confirmation to accept you as The Sustainability Ambassador.
Minimum Expectation
1. You should have a publicly reviewable profile on Linkedin and/or Facebook.
2. Please make sure that your publicly verifiable social media profile name matches with your application name.
3. You need to have at least 5 connections/friends on LinkedIn and/or Facebook.
We do not collect or store any document with personal details like date of birth, address, city, gender, age, etc, so may we request to not submit documents with those details.
Sorry, our answer is NO.
Though these form of identifications are the most genuine ways to identify any individual, yet we do use it for verification.
We are not 100% capable to provide security and safety of your personal information & documents, so we do not request, collect or store it.
We only use LinkedIn & Facebook.
If you are in China or other countries where Facebook & LinkedIn are not operational then you can provide social media links of other local social media platforms.
SPSC does not collect or store any personal information from your social medial account like date of birth, address, city, gender and age. So your social media account is used for verification & engagement purpose.
You get discounted ambassadorship offer. Secondly, verification process is shorter.
We do not collect, store & process personal information like date of birth, address, city & gender. This happened during 2021, 2022 & 2023. It will stay the same for 2024.
Email id is the only personal information, which we keep for sending certificates, awards & accolades. We do not use your email id for marketing.
We have not used/sold any Sustainability Ambassador email id to finance our operations. We wish to continue with this philosophy. It is difficult to predict future scenario which are uncertain, complex, dynamic & volatile. So our wish should not be taken as our promise.
SPSC has never used email id for marketing. This applies to even SPSC activities, events, conferences, etc.
You can find out about our activities on
- Our Websites
- LinkedIn pages & groups.
- Facebook pages & groups.
- Instagram pages
- WhatsApp Announcement
- Telegram Announcement
Twitter Announcement
We have not used/sold any Sustainability Ambassador email id to finance our operations. We wish to continue with this philosophy. It is difficult to predict future scenario which are uncertain, complex, dynamic & volatile. So our wish should not be taken as our promise.
- FREE genuine sustainability identity through the ambassadorship badge and/or certificate with an unique ambassadorship number and/or QR code, which is easily verifiable by anyone. There will be a dedicated page on our website for your ambassadorship. Similar membership & certificates costs up to £999. Secondly, such membership & certificates may not be from the UK based organization. Thirdly, such certificates are not easily & freely verifiable to public.
- Opportunity to get FREE recognition through awards & accolades like badge, medal, cup, trophy, shield, crown, etc. This cost from £9 to £99 to non-Sustainability Ambassadors or sponsors.
- Enhance your personal brand image and reputation.
- Provides genuine sustainability identity by adding Sustainability Ambassador logo on their CV, LinkedIn Profile, Glassdoor Profile, etc.
- Gain sustainability experience through sustainability projects & activities.
- Gain verifiable sustainability experience certificate through sustainability projects, which can be added on your CV and/or LinkedIn profile.
- Learn sustainability skills earned through sustainability projects, which can be added on your CV and/or LinkedIn profile.
- May get endrosed and recommended by your Sustainability ambassador colleagues personally or through LinkedIn and Facebook.
- Opportunity to learn from and network with other sustainability experts.
- Develop coaching skills by mentoring other sustainability enthusiasts or students. This is to support UN SDG Goal 4 Target 4.7
- Build sustainability credentials by associating with UN SDG by supporting UN SDG Goal 12 Target 12.6 by promoting sustainability assessment and/or reporting.
- FREE listing of Sustainability Ambassador in our directory for Sustainability Ambassadors – https://ambassador.1spsc.org/directory/
- FREE online sustainability workshop & webinar participation to either share knowledge or gain knowledge. For non-Sustainability Ambassadors, the cost is £99+ per person.
- FREE participation in our Sustainability Conference
- FREE participation in our Sustainability Quiz
- FREE guidance to gain sustainability related FREE certifications from United Nations through online self-paced courses. For others, the cost is £99+ per person.
- FREE guidance to integrate any orgnisation with United Nations’ SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). For others, the cost is £99+ per person.
Sustainability ambassadors are not paid any financial rewards for their voluntary service supported by SPSC.
If Sustainability ambassadors wish to offer their voluntary service then they can support us in following areas:
- Social Media Management & Support
- SPSC Network Management
- Educational Workshop Management & Support
- Webinar Management & Support
- United Nations SDG integration for organisations
- Promote Sustainability Ambassador initiative in educational institutions.
- Engage students in Sustainability Ambassador initiative
- Motivate co-workers to join Sustainability Ambassador initiative
- Management of free advertisement/listing on https://1sustainable.com/ & https://1planetonly.com/
Sustainability Ambassadors practice sustainability in their own personal & professional lives while buying/using/disposing products and services. So basically they are active supporter of sustainability in their own life, and passive supporter of sustainability to us.
It is not mandatory for any Sustainability ambassador to actively contribute to our activities or other Sustainability Ambassadors’ activity.
If you have time and if you like any sustainability projects, initiatives, promotions, activities, etc then you can support us in various ways as follows:
- Give a like on Facebook/LinkedIn posts
- Write positive/motivational/inspirational comments on our sustainability projects, initiatives, promotions, activity, etc
- Upload your sustainability projects, achievements, progress, etc on Facebook/LinkedIn, so others get inspired/motivated.
- Motivate/inspire others to support sustainability.
- Mentor others on sustainability.
- Be a part of the selection committee to review applications of new Sustainability Ambassadors.
- Be a part of the selection committee to select individuals and organizations for various awards like badges, medals, cups, trophies, shields, crowns, etc.
- Be a part of the new application admin team to review new Sustainability Ambassador applications.
- Be an interviewer, a writer, and/or a storyteller. This is to find and communicate about the sustainability activities of other Sustainability Ambassadors.
- Mange & communicate anonymous contribution inbox of shy Sustainability Ambassadors, who do not wish to publish their sustainability contribution themselves on Facebook & LinkedIn.
- Provide theme & write-up about social media posts.
- Translate the write-up in your chosen language.
- Create SPSC social media posts.
- Distribute SPSC social media posts on various sustainability groups on Facebook & Linkedin.
- Online sustainability trainer for kids.
- Online Sustainability trainer for students.
- Online Sustainability trainer for knowledge lovers.
- Online sustainability story teller
- Online webinar organizer and moderator
- Country Head/Leader
- State Head/Leader
- District/Country Head/Leader
- City Head/Leader
- Town/Village Head/Leader
- Team leader
- Facebook Network builder
- Facebook Network manager/admin
- LinkedIn Network builder
- LinkedIn Network manager/admin
- Facebook advertisement sharer
- Linkedin advertisement sharer
- Safety Leader
- Waste Leader
- Circular Economy Leader
- Chemical Leader
- Energy Leader
- Climate Change Leader
- Forest Leader
- Ecosystem & Biodiversity Leader
- Life Under Water Leader
- Life On Land Leader
- Land & Soil Leader
- Organic Farming Leader
- Live Stock Leader
- Natural Disaster Leader
- Education Leader
- Forced Labour Leader
- Child Labour Leader
- Non-discrimination Leader
- Freedom of association & collective bargain leader
- Industrial Relations leader
- Training & Development leader
- Indigenous & Tribal people leader
- Anti-Corruption & Bribery Leader
- Conflict of interest leader
- Fraud leader
- Mone laundaring leader
- Anti-competitive practice leader
- Intellectual Property leader
- Consumer/client data protection & privacy leader
- Harassment leader
- Diversity & Inclusion leader
- Insider Trading leader
- Conduct Inside & Outside Office leader.
- HR Leader
- Marketing Leader
- Finance Leader
- Event Leader
- Supply Chain Leader
- Procurement Leader
- Legal Leader
- Any role which serves the society &/or environment.